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    Luffy Yeon


프로젝트에서 사용중인 reduceReducers에 대해서 정리하고자한다. 해당 모듈은 reduce-reducers 모듈로 중첩없이 reducer를 간단하게 병합시켜주는 역할을 한다.

reducer의 병합이라고하면 많이들 사용하는 combineReducers가 생각날텐데 두가지의 차이점을 알아보자.

간단하게 두가지의 차이점은 중첩 상태로 병합하느냐 중첩하지 않고 병합하느냐의 차이로 나뉘어진다.

  • combineReducers: 중첩상태로 병합
  • reduceReducers: 중첩되지 않게 병합

// this reducer adds a payload to state.sum
// and tracks total number of operations
function reducerAdd(state, payload) {
if (!state) state = { sum: 0, totalOperations: 0 }
if (!payload) return state
return {
sum: state.sum + payload,
totalOperations: state.totalOperations + 1,
// this reducer multiplies state.product by payload
// and tracks total number of operations
function reducerMult(state, payload) {
if (!state) state = { product: 1, totalOperations: 0 }
if (!payload) return state
// `product` might be undefined because of
// small caveat in `reduceReducers`, see below
const prev = state.product || 1
return {
product: prev * payload,
totalOperations: state.totalOperations + 1,


  • combineReducers는 각 상태를 나뉘며 root Reducer를 만들때 유용하다.

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
add: reducerAdd,
mult: reducerMult,
const initialState = rootReducer(undefined)
* {
* add: { sum: 0, totalOperations: 0 },
* mult: { product: 1, totalOperations: 0 },
* }
const first = rootReducer(initialState, 4)
* {
* add: { sum: 4, totalOperations: 1 },
* mult: { product: 4, totalOperations: 1 },
* }
// This isn't interesting, let's look at second call...
const second = rootReducer(first, 4)
* {
* add: { sum: 8, totalOperations: 2 },
* mult: { product: 16, totalOperations: 2 },
* }
// Now it's obvious, that both reducers get their own
// piece of state to work with


  • reduce-reducers는 동일한 상태에서 동작해야하는 여러 reducer를 연결할때 유용하다.

const addAndMult = reduceReducers(reducerAdd, reducerMult)
const initial = addAndMult(undefined)
* {
* sum: 0,
* totalOperations: 0
* }
* First, reducerAdd is called, which gives us initial state { sum: 0 }
* Second, reducerMult is called, which doesn't have payload, so it
* just returns state unchanged.
* That's why there isn't any `product` prop.
const next = addAndMult(initial, 4)
* {
* sum: 4,
* product: 4,
* totalOperations: 2
* }
* First, reducerAdd is called, which changes `sum` = 0 + 4 = 4
* Second, reducerMult is called, which changes `product` = 1 * 4 = 4
* Both reducers modify `totalOperations`
const final = addAndMult(next, 4)
* {
* sum: 8,
* product: 16,
* totalOperations: 4
* }
